Task weight: 1%
You have access to multiple clusters from your main terminal through kubectl contexts. Write all those context names into /opt/course/1/contexts.
Next write a command to display the current context into /opt/course/1/context_default_kubectl.sh, the command should use kubectl.
Finally write a second command doing the same thing into /opt/course/1/context_default_no_kubectl.sh, but without the use of kubectl.
你可以通过kubectl contexts 从你的主终端访问多个集群。把所有这些上下文的名字写进 /opt/course/1/contexts。
k config get-contexts # copy manually
k config get-contexts -o name > /opt/course/1/contexts
kubectl config current-context
echo "kubectl config current-context" > /opt/course/1/context_default_kubectl.sh
bash /opt/course/1/context_default_kubectl.sh
cat ~/.kube/config | grep current | awk '{printf $2}'
echo "cat ~/.kube/config | grep current | awk '{printf $2}'" > /opt/course/1/context_default_no_kubectl.sh